It’s 2018 baby! I honestly can’t believe it. 2017 was a magical, whirlwind of a year filled with ups, downs, and so many memories I will never forget. I feel so much wiser this year going into the new year. 2017 taught me how to become a women. I feel stronger and more confident than ever and I am proud at where I was able to finish the year off in my life. But enough about last year, I wanted to make this blog post dedicated to my goals for 2018. I hope to inspire all of you to go after your dreams this year. I know some people think resolutions are cliché and that you don’t need a new year to change your life. But hear me out. For me, I love the idea of a new year and reflecting on how your last one went and how you can improve it next time. Sometimes it can be easy to get so caught up in your life that we need closure in order to clearly reflect on our year and plan for the new one. I love seeing people feel inspired to go after their dreams and the energy that the new year brings is something I look forward to every year! So enough talking… here is what I will be working on this year!

2018 New Years Resolutions



One of my biggest goals for 2018 is to se the world. I already have two trips in place for the new year. I will be traveling to California in March with my boyfriend Grant and in May I am headed to Italy with my bestie Zahra. This will be my first time out of the country. I am so excited to finally see the world and different culture. I hope to travel to a few other places this year as well. I just feel happiest when I am adventuring and seeing new things. 

Social Media/Business


As most of you can tell, social media is a huge part of my life, so it only seems fit to have some goals the going along with these aspects. Instagram is my main platform that I use to connect with all of year! This year my main goal is growth and developing a close personal relationship with all of you! That is also why I plan on starting Mentor sessions and also selling some of my lightroom presets. I love the idea of being able to personally help all of you and give you advice on how to transform your social media content and online presence! So lots and ots of big things to come there and I am so excited for it!


For those of you who don’t know, I have a photography business. This year my goal is to start booking more weddings and senior sessions. I really can see a career being able to be developed from this! So, if you ever need some photos done, hit ya girl up! 


So I am super new to this whole blogging thing. My goal for 2018 is to really become an expert on SEO and start implementing some cool features on this blog as well as just posting more frequently!


My old friend youtube. This past year I started off the year going hard on youtube posting twice a week. Since college that all kind of fizzled and I picked up instagram instead. My goal is to start posting once a week and get more creative with my videos! Hopefully I can make this one happen.

Mind, Body, & Soul

Getting closer with God

Years ago when I played club volleyball, my weekends were suddenly swooped away from me and my family. Every sunday I would be spending my entire day out of state playing in a tournament all day long. This continued for years until finally my volleyball career ended. I always try to make an effort to go to church but since then my schedule has always been out of whack. I think it is kinda terrible how so many youth sports and actives now take away kids weekends year around. Now being in college it is even harder to find a way to go being so far away from home. But I am done making excuses. This year I am really going to work on my relationship with god, even when I can’t make it to church. I feel like a lot of people in any religion can relate to this at some point in there life when I say it is easy to get distracted by everyday life and lose sight in the bigger picture and what is most important. I never usually share stuff about religion because I feel like it is very personal but I thought I would share my goal with you all as a start. So this year I am challenging myself to really get closer with the lord and develop my relationship with him.

Fitness & Health

Lately I have been slackin’ just a tad. But that is okay. I actually live a very healthy lifestyle. Yes I have a love and passion for food, but I eat a very balanced diet. This year I want to continue to make healthy eating decisions but not restrict myself…life is WAY to short to not enjoy good food haha. But I really want to get back into lifting and develop a regular exercise routine! I am ready to get super fit in 2018.

Stress Less

This is my never ending problem. I am not what most people would say.. care free. I like a tight schedule and alway like to make sure I always know what is going on. This year I want to challenge myself to relax more. Somethings will always be out of control and that is okay. I am ready to be open to plans changing and I am going to *TRY* to be more “go with the flow”.

Appreciate the little things

And last but not least, I want to appreciate the little things. It is the little moments that make your life great. I am so appreciative for every moment I get to spend with my family, boyfriend, and friends. This year I want to recognize these things and soak em up. I want to celebrate every little success so on my way to hitting milestones!

I am so excited for this New Year! I made a Youtube video recapping on 2017 and diving in a little deeper on 2018 if you are interested in watching! Lastly I will leave you with this quote! 

“You can’t always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you have to dare to do it because life is too short to wonder what it could have been.”


XO Josie

