I feel like this entire year has been a reoccurring pattern of me wanting to go someplace, buying a plane ticket, and leaving a few weeks later. Planning a vacation who?? Yeah…don’t know her (lol).

On a serious note though, I really do feel like time has been flying! I am so happy I have been in a position this year to be able to go on spontaneous trips and explore new things! So obviously when my Instagram friend @kahleanicolee from Florida DMed me saying that I was welcome to visit her anytime, I HOPPED ON THAT lol. Any opportunity to escape the Indiana cold and visit one of my favorite insta babes seems like a good idea to me. Before I knew it, flights were booked and I was on my way to Florida!

So a little back story for you- I had only ever met Kahlea in person once before this trip! Call me crazy, but that’s the power of social media for ya! Honestly I don’t remember how we started following each other but I always loved following her. She’s a super inspiring, charismatic business woman that knows her sh**! At some point I learned that she was originally from Ohio (a neighbor state to mine). I knew if she was ever up north I had to meet up with her! So over the summer she was visiting her hometown and I made a little day trip to Columbus to see her! We instantly kicked it off and it was a super fun day. It is so crazy how well you can feel like you know someone just through social media!

Back in July when I met Kahlea for the first time!

Back in July when I met Kahlea for the first time!

Flash forward to November and I am on a flight to Florida to visit her again! This trip was SO fun. It is just refreshing to be around new people that have so much in common with you! We did so much on this trip from the beach, to photoshoots, a trip to Disney, and of course good food! Oh and did I mention that she almost the same height as me and we have the same exact tastes in music!? That doesn’t happen often people!!!

Here are some photos from the trip that I thought I would share with you! Honestly the photos don’t even do the trip justice on how much fun I had.

I just got back last night and I was so sad to leave. It is weird to meet people that you know would be your best friend if they lived closer to you!! But nevertheless, it makes me even more thankful for the power of social media! It is crazy to think of all the friendships I have because of following them online. It’s just such a cool place to find people all around the country and even globe that have interests and passions just like you!

I always grew up feeling like it was tough for me to find a large group of friends that I clicked well with. Of course I have a few close friendships that stuck, but instagram opened up a whole knew world to me.

Moral of the story is, put yourself out there (obviously with caution because it is the internet after all lol). But be bold and adventurous. Go just because you can. Sometimes traveling a thousand miles to meet knew friends is the best idea ever. Sorry to be all sappy (haha), but it’s the truth. I am so thankful for my little online community, it really is one of the best things that’s happened to me!

I challenge you in the New Year to be bold and create a friendship with someone new. Even if it is a local person you’ve never met, message them and start a friendship! Love you all!

XO Josie

Here Comes the Sun – My Spontaneous Trip to Florida
