Donuts with Google

Today on the blog I thought I would share with you guys my amazing experience at the Google Home Mini Pop-Up Event. Incase you haven’t already guessed, this event was to celebrate the launch of the new Google Home Mini. The entire event was themed as a donut shop (I know, so cute right!?). The new google home mini is a smart speaker and home assistant… and happens to be the size of a donut, hence the theme of the party. I was invited as an influencer to attend, however it is a public event with hundreds of people there! My boyfriend Grant and I got to go together and cut the line to get VIP access! We got to chat with some workers from google and received our own Google Home Mini 🙂

The main attraction of the event was the donut shop. People wait in line and when it is their turn, they get to walk into the shop. From here we rang a bell and proceed to ask the google home mini a question. After the device answers, a cute little pink box came down the shoot. Inside it were either two donuts or a Google Home Mini.

It was so nice to be out in the community, attending such a fun event! Google is hosting 11 other events just like this in other cities in the US! Bellow are some pictures we captured while at the event! Enjoy:)


Google Home Mini Pop-Up Event
