Can I just say WOW… 2018, you were too good to me. As I sit here thinking back, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed and thankful for the amazing year I had, as well as feel so much excitement for this new year ahead! Before I dive in to talking about goals and plans for 2019, I wanted to take a little trip down memory lane and reflect on the past year I had.


Rough Start

At the beginning of 2018 I was just a hopeful girl with a few dreams but no idea where it would take me. The year started off on a hopeful note but quickly went to one of the lowest points of my life. I am telling you guys now, if you are in a toxic friendship or relationship of any kind, leave. It is never worth it. For me, I had watched a friendship turn into a toxic mess. I felt bullied, mocked, manipulated, and confused. I chose to stick up for myself, stay confident, keep my head high, and left that situation in the dust. Never will I ever let a person treat me that way again.

Dropping Out

Meanwhile that mess was going on, I was dealing with another dilemma: school. I was going to the Herron School of Art and Design at the time, majoring in Visual Communication design. First semester I got great grades and did my work like I was supposed to, but my sole felt empty. I had lost that fire and drive that I had always had. This wasn’t what I wanted. I rely HEAVILY on my intuition and when things don’t feel right I always trust my gut feeling. I decided to drop out. In December I had just hit 10k on my instagram and had momentum that I wanted to see through. My dream was to do social media full time so I just decided to do it. I had my photography business as a back up just incase. I just went for it and never looked back. To this day, that was the best decision I have ever made. I am so proud with how far I was able to come this year.


After quitting school things really took off for me. I began traveling a ton and I went on some trips of a lifetime! One of my resolutions was to travel somewhere different each month of 2018 and I did it! Here are the places I went!


  • Chicago for NYE


  • New York Fashion Week


  • LA for Spring Break

April: Miami on a family trip

  • May: Italy (Milan, Venice, Rome, Positano, Tuscany) BEST TRIP EVER

  • Toronto with Grant


  • NYC with Grant


  • Northern Michigan


  • Toronto with Zahra to visit Luxy Hair HQ


  • Barcelona & Paris with Ashley (ALSO BEST TRIP EVER)


  • Chicago with Delaney


  • St. Pete, Florida to visit Kahlea


  • NYC with Grant- AND GOT ENGAGED!

I could go on and on with how amazing each trip was but this post would be never ending. But wow, I am so thankful for each trip and adventure I was able to go on this year!


2018 also brought so many friends into my life. I am so thankful for the Indy blogger community that I have become so close with this year. You guys are some of my best friends. I am also thankful for all the girls I have met and become friends with on the gram this year! And of course to all my long time besties I love ya too! Thank you all for filling my life with so much joy and happiness this year!

My Business

Another accomplishment for me this year was my growth on not only Instagram but my content creation and preset business. My original goal was to hit 30k by the New Year. I am so happy to say that I ended up hitting 64k by 2019 instead! Thank you all for the support!


This was the cherry on top to an already life changing year! I got engaged to the love of my life, Grant Bullard:) I won’t go into too much detail because I am sure you’ve already been bombarded with all my engagement posts haha but if you wanna read more you can check out my blog post here!

So needless. To say this was the best year of my life. It started rough but I finished out on top of the highest mountain I have ever stood on. I am so thankful for everyone that was apart of my journey this past year and I pray for another great year moving into 2019! Let the journey begin!


Here. We. Are. I just can’t believe that it is 2019 guys! I have never felt so excited for a year as much as this one. Last year I shared my resolutions that I set for myself in 2018 so I wanted share my goals agin this year that I set for 2019! Here they are!

● Hit 100k this year on instagram ( hopefully sometime during the middle of the year)

● Double my salary this year. My business really excelled last year but I am ready to go full force. I won’t share specific numbers but I am definitely striving to hit this goal!

● Create a new preset pack! Possibly a tropical/travel pack? 😉

● Travel far and wide! Some places I have looked into this year are LA, Costa Rica, Amsterdam, Paris, Greece, Italy, Banff, NYC, Switzerland, and the list goes on! We shall see how many I am actually able to visit!

● Post on the blog weekly!!! Guys! Hold me accountable on this one! I want to start posting and sharing on here more this year.

● Plan a wedding!! I am so excited to do this! We most likely won’t get married until summer 2020 but I am ready to start planning!

● Grow email list! haha this is a must for this year!

● CLEAR SKIN. Yes. This will be the year of glowing skin, mark my words.

● Workout 3 Times a week minimum. I am ready to be the healthiest I have ever been this year. I have got a wedding to get fit for!

These are all my specific goals for this year. I am sure I will think of many more things I want to do/work on as the year goes on. But for now these are my tangible goals I want to work on! Here’s to one heck of a year babes!

Another Year in the Books // Hello 2019
